Sunday, October 21, 2007

the "everyday tiara," a birthday party, and mamie's new tricks

Well, I guess we bought the Halloween costume a bit too early. Lilly has been wearing her tiara or "clown" as she calls it, everywhere. She also wants to try on her princess costume every day--but we are getting a lot of mileage out of, "If you want to be a Princess, you have to act like a princess and share, etc." She wants to wear her "clown" to school, church, the store, basically anywhere we go. I do draw the line somewhere, but she has worn it out in public a few times. We haven't had much to post about lately. Mamie is so busy and is growing so fast. She is eight months old now and is into everything. She is the happiest baby! Those of you who knew Lilly as a baby know how surprising it is for me to have a baby who laughs and smiles all the time. She's drinking out of a sippy cup, eating table food, and pulling up and cruising all over the place. Here are a few pictures from the last couple of weeks.

Lilly holding her tiara on the way home from Target. She was SO proud she wouldn't let go of it for anything.

A typical night at our house. PJ's with a tiara, necklace, bracelet, HUGE ring, heels, and two anklets.

Doesn't everyone wear their tiara to the grocery store?
Needless to say, we got to talk to LOTS of old ladies while we were there.

Lilly feeding a goat at Livi's birthday party

Cal, Lilly, and Livi--Happy Birthday Livi!

Too bad they won't smile for a picture!

Mamie with her sippy cup

Mamie and Scole--he's the best dog in the world!

Mamie learning to ride on Lilly's old riding toy.

Mamie cruising and laughing

Sunday, October 14, 2007

My Man

Well, I got tagged. I'm sure it will thrill Jon to know that I am writing things about him for others to read. (I'm not sure how sarcasm comes through on the computer, but that was meant to be sarcastic.) I love you grumpy Jon!

1. Who is your man? Jonathan Neal
2. How long have you been together? almost 9 years
3. How long dated? about 4 years--minus an 8 month breakup (he actually broke up with me by quoting Merle Haggard--it's hilarious now, but I SURE hated him at the time!)
4. How old is your man? 30--for a few more days!
5. Who eats more? Jon--unless it's from krispy kreme and then there's no competing with me
6. Who said "I love you" first? Jon
7. Who is taller? Jon--only if I'm in flat shoes
8. Who sings better? I don't think either one of us are going to be contestants on American Idol any time soon, but I would have to say Jon
9. Who is smarter? It definitely depends on the subject
10. Whose temper is worse? Sadly, mine. He usually laughs at me and tries to get me to get over it. But, if he does get angry...he gets pretty angry.
11. Who does the laundry? Let me answer this by saying Jon once asked me "which one is the dryer?" when I asked him to get something out of it.
12. Who takes out the garbage? Jon (I could write a pretty good story here involving a shattered oven door and a flying trashcan.) He LOVES it when I overfill the trashcan.
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me--by the door so I can jump out of bed all night long for babies (and I can see the TV better from that side :)
14. Who pays the bills? Jon--thank goodness! I did it for the first 3 years and it is not one of my strengths--he's great at it (accountant).
15. Who is better with the computer? Jon
16. Who mows the lawn? Jon--he takes great pride in his grass!
17. Who cooks dinner? We both do--Jon is great about cooking dinner if I'm running late (and he buys the groceries! I'm one lucky lady!)
18. Who drives when you are together? Jon, unless it's at night and then I drive because he'll fall asleep.
19. Who pays when you go out? Jon
20. Who is most stubborn? We both are, but I would have to say Jon is worse.
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? neither one of us--we usually just move on!
22. Whose parents do you see the most? Jon's--they live in Brentwood
23. Who kissed who first? Jon--FINALLY after standing in our (me, casey, & courtney) dining room and talking about NOTHING for 3 and a half hours until about 2 in the morning after going out one night. The last thing I remember saying was something stupid and meaningless about siberian lame.
24. Who asked who out? Jon--we were good friends first, and he called and asked me if I wanted to go on a date. I was SO excited. He took me to the Ryman to Bluegrass night for our 1st date.
25. Who proposed? Jon-- He came early to pick me up for a date and I was still getting ready. He had already talked to my parents that day and I had no idea. He got down on his knee--it was so sweet.
26. Who is more sensitive? definently me--I can cry over almost anything.
27. Who has more friends? Probably me--all the phone calls at our house are for me.
28. Who has more siblings? Jon--he has 2 sisters and a brother--I have one sister
29. Who wears the pants in the family? We both do, but they are pants that I washed and dried and folded and put away :)

I tag Courtney, Casey, and Ada.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Callin' Ducks

About a month ago Mamie found Jon's duck calls and started playing with them. The first time she ever picked them up, she started blowing into them and laughing hysterically when they made noise. She doesn't seem to think it's quite as funny anymore--I guess she's gotten used to the sound they make, but she still loves to "call ducks." I should have gotten video of it sooner, but I think it's still pretty cute.