I am ashamed to admit it, but Mamie still had a binky until today. I had snipped it down to a little stump in MAY, and still she sucked it. She loved it. Jon told me I broke her little heart when I cut it with the scissors. When I say "I cut it," I actually mean the "binky fairy made the top fall off." Anyway, there's something about letting your second one stay a baby a little bit longer because you know how fast it is all going to go by. But this week I told myself that it had to go. Wearing panties and sucking a pacifier don't really go together. This afternoon we went to Toys R Us to shop for some new toys. Did you know that they accept binkies as a form of payment? (Thank you Kelly Austin for cluing me in on this little secret ;-)
We browsed the entire store and sweet little Mamie finally picked out a new baby doll with a sling and a purple plastic baby doll bathtub--2 binkies=2 new toys. At the checkout she paid the man with her 2 precious binky nubs.
Tonight when I put her to bed we read a book, said a prayer, and she went right to sleep with her new baby named Lexi and didn't make a peep! I should have done it months ago.