Mamie is everywhere and into everything these days. She started walking a couple of weeks before her party and is practically running around the house after Lilly now. She's saying dog, mama, daddy, "deedee" for Lilly, no no no, juice, uh-oh, cracker, eat, book, bye-bye, moo, nose, shoes, "buh-buh" for her bunny, and I'm sure other words I can't think of. She says something new almost every day. She is still such a happy baby and plays by herself so well. She
adores her big sister and follows her everywhere. Lilly is so cute with her and has started calling her "darlin" or precious all the time. I don't know where she got "darlin" because I don't really say that, but it is so cute to hear her talking sweet to Mamie. I'll be getting ready and hear her say something like, "Come here Mamie darlin, you can play with this if you want to." It is so cute. When Mamie was getting her shots on Wednesday, Lilly was holding her hand and saying "it's ok precious darlin." Mamie was 20.2 pounds (50th %) and 31 inches tall (95th %). She had weighed a lot more than that the last time we were at the doctor, but I think she lost a lot when she had the stomach bug. She still only has 4 teeth which is so strange to me--Lilly had all of hers by her first birthday. The only thing we are really struggling with right now is switching to cow's milk from formula. I didn't have this problem with Lilly since she never took a bottle or formula, so any advice would be great. When I try to give her milk she gags and spits it all over the place. I'm really ready to quit buying $24 cans of enfamil. Hopefully now that March is here we'll all stay well and we can work on the milk issue. If that's all I have to complain about then we're pretty lucky. It's so much fun with the ages they are at right now--they are starting to play together so well. I love my sweet girls.
How big is Mamie?This is old--from Jan. 1st, but I loved it--she is so crazy about Scole. She said "dog" before "mama."
I feel like a total moron posting a sideways video, but it's the only good one I have of her walking. Sorry!!