Friday, January 29, 2010


My girls are both OBSESSED with Scooby Doo. The old ones that I watched growing up. The ones where there was never a real ghost or monster--it was ALWAYS someone in a costume. They love it and are supposed to be having a Scooby party tomorrow, but because of the snow, who knows? Anyway, Mamie usually wears sunglasses around the house to play the part of Velma, but with the magic of Bendaroos, she now has her very own Velma glasses. Lilly is always Daphne, and Mamie is always Velma. She says "Velma is cooler." Who could argue?


Anonymous said...

Velma is cooler! Ha and little did you know that Hollis is "Shaggy" and I am "Fred". scooooooby!dooo!

chesley said...

that is such a cute picture! grant loves scooby too & claire already calls her gummies scooby snacks! all things old are new again!

Angie said...

look at that sweet face! She is so cute!

Julie said...

I LOVE that picture! I had to show it to Brent. We both think she is just the cutest thing! Frances loves the one of her and Libby. She wants a me to print it to put on the fridge. Guess it's time for me to open the box to my printer!

Missy said...

Maymie and Madden both Love the old Scooby Doo!! He is te best!!! They are so cute!!